Enter to win 5 copies of Legion of Bats plus a $25 Amazon Gift Card
blog tour
#SecondNature Tour and Give Away {ends April 27th}
Read the book to find out why my daughter and I love this new YA series, then enter to win Amelia’s necklace!
#HunterMoonBookTour Review and Excerpt- FANTASTIC book.
Check out my new favorite supernatural series Hunter Moon (Lupine Moon series). Meet the awesome Shelby and see how this spunky chic won me over!
Prophecy Of The Flame {Book Review & Surprise} #Prophecymovie
Imagine being transported to your wildest fantasy…would it be all that you thought it would be?
#Awaken-The Patronus Book 1 {Book Review}
Guardians, vampires and werewolves…oh my!
#Awaken Book Tour- 100 Dollar Amazon Gift Code plus Swag!
Join us on the #Awaken Blog Tour and enter to win a $100 Amazon Gift Code plus lots more swag!
Q&A with Dinah Corley from DinahsGourmetGifts.com {Part 2}
Read on to get great tips from author Dinah Corley from DinahsGourmetGifts.com
Guest Post: Dinah from DinahsGourmetGifts.com {Part 1} Sticky Butterscotch Cakes and Giveaway #GourmetGifts {{Winner Announced}}
Gourmet Gifts hits stores at the end of this month, but over the next two weeks you’ll be able to see some sneak peeks because author Dinah Corley is going on a blog tour! Between October 17 and 28, you can find Dinah on a different blog every day, with project tutorials, recipes, Q&As, and of course book giveaways!