RESTLESS, Book 3 of The King Series, by Tawdra Kandle, is now available for purchase on Amazon. Restless can be downloaded as an ebook and will also be offered in paperback in early July.
book tour
The Light Tamer by Devyn Dawson {Review}
This paranormal romance will keep you on the edge of your seat with humor, romance, and determination. Fall head over heels for Caleb and Jessie. | The Light Tamer by Devyn Dawson
Bitten Shame by Olivia Hardin – Blog Tour and Give Away {ends July 24th}
Every gift has both a reward and a price, because All of it fits… | Bitten Shame by Olivia Hardin
The Light Tamer Book Tour and Giveaway {ends July 24th}
Enter to win 2 autographed copies and a $50 Amazon GC then follow the tour! | The Light Tamer
Breathless by Tawdra Kandle {Book Review}
Take a peak into the magical life of a 17 year old girl named Tasmyn! Breathless by Tawdra Kandle
Deceived by Stephanie Nelson | Book Tour and Give Away
Check out the new Deceived book tour and enter to win the awesome giveaway! | Deceived by Stephanie Nelson
Secondary Characters – A Chance of Fate by Emleigh Walsh
Secondary Characters: Life without a supporting cast.
Choices {Book Tour and Review}
Hearts break. Loved ones are lost. Life keeps moving. From the ashes of Secrets, Choices are born that will change everything.
5 Reasons Why You Should Friend Your Teen on FaceBook {Guest Post} Plus Give Away {ends June 1st}
Still not sure if you should actually ‘friend’ you child on Facebook? Here are 5 reasons why you should.
Fate’s Design {Book Review}
Fate’s Design Book Review – Megan travels to Italy and finds more than she bargained for….
A Chance Of Fate Book Tour and Give Away {ends June 6th}
Enter to win a fantastic prize pack and follow the A Chance of Fate book tour!
Choices Book Tour and Give Away | 50 Dollar Amazon Card & Print Copies {ends June 1st}
Follow the Choices Book Tour and enter to win a $50 Amazon Card and 5 print copies of Choices.
Choices Book Tour and Give Away | 50 Dollar Amazon Card & Print Copies {ends June 1st}
Follow the Choices Book Tour and enter to win a $50 Amazon Card and 5 print copies of Choices.
Legion of the Bats {Book Review}
Zoe Masterson never quite fit in-she was always a little different.
Legion of Bats {Book Review}
Fate’s Design Book Tour & Give Away!
LOADS of prizes-don’t miss this! Win a e-reader and more!
#SecondNature ‘s Elizabeth Sharp Guest Post
A fantastic guest post by Elizabeth Sharp writer of Second Nature
#SecondNature Book Tour and Review
I love this book. Enough said.
Legion of Bats Book Tour & Give Away – 25 Dollar Amazon Gift Card {ends May 6th}
Enter to win 5 copies of Legion of Bats plus a $25 Amazon Gift Card
#SecondNature Tour and Give Away {ends April 27th}
Read the book to find out why my daughter and I love this new YA series, then enter to win Amelia’s necklace!
#HunterMoonBookTour Review and Excerpt- FANTASTIC book.
Check out my new favorite supernatural series Hunter Moon (Lupine Moon series). Meet the awesome Shelby and see how this spunky chic won me over!
Blog Tour: Hunter Moon plus $25 Amazon Gift Card Give Away #HunterMoonBookTour
Follow the blog tour of this incredible book and be entered to win 5 signed copies of Hunter Moon or a $25 Amazon Gift Card
Prophecy Of The Flame {Book Review & Surprise} #Prophecymovie
Imagine being transported to your wildest fantasy…would it be all that you thought it would be?