This classic cocktail from Bacardi makes our date night even better!
Into the End by Bonnie R. Paulson #bookreview #booktour
Rachel Parker in Into the End can IDENTIFY fear, she can DEFINE it, but she doesn’t feel it. Not anymore. Not since the tests.
A Sensitive Subject | Viviscal® #sponsored
Hair loss can be a sensitive thing for men and women. Viviscal® Hair Growth Treatment
Mosaically Print #giveaway {Ends 6/7}
Learn about Mosiacally and why it makes a great gift then enter to win a gift code to get your own!
Veggie Bully by Author C JoVan Williams #booktour #bookreview
A book inspiring lessons about self love, Veggie Bunnie learns something that all readers need to know…. Love yourself, no matter what others may say!
Why probiotics are important | Provella Probiotic Product Spotlight
What are some of the ways you take care of yourself to try and stay healthy? Provella Probiotics
You’re A Mom. You Don’t Get Sick Days | DayQuil and NyQuil #spon
What do you do when you are a mom and sick days don’t exist?
Living With Chronic Pain: Headache and Migraine Tracker iPhone App #spotlight
Having headaches and migraines are bad enough. This app helps make it a little easier.
Did you know Dove has a new and improved body wash formula? #DoveTruth
The new Dove formula contains 100% natural moisturizers that skin can absorb, keeping your skin smooth and nourished.
Hickory Farms – A Gift That Gives Back #review
Give a great gift and be charitable at the same time! Hickory Farms
Bunn My Cafe #Giveaway {ends 12/15}
Enter to win a Bunn My Cafe of your very own!
Great Tasting Wine and a Giveaway Too! {ends 12/21} California Wine Club
Enter to win a $50 Gift certificate to California Wine Club!
FunBites make eating an adventure…. #review AD
Lunch can be an adventure with FunBites cutters! We love how many different ways they can be used!
Making Memories – U by Kotex Tween #KotexMom
Making Memories….time flies. Grab your chance when you can. U by Kotex Tween #KotexMom
A Fantastic Holiday Gift – California Wine Club #review
Have a special person you need to buy for this holiday? Or some one who has everything? California Wine Club is the perfect holiday gift.
Mirth In A Box Giveaway Event {ends 12/03}
Check out this review and giveaway of a fantastic invention- Mirth In A Box. Win one of your own!
The Heart of Christmas DVD #review #giveaway
Enter to win The Heart of Christmas DVD – 3 winners
review and Giveaway Photo Prints #review #giveaway
Enter to win your very own 11×7 photo print from! Part of the Super Events Media Group’s Holiday Gift Guide.
Ruby’s World by Karen Bladwin #booktour #bookreview #nonfiction
Karen Baldwin has written a book about her journey with the Zulu and altered the course of her life to continue to find ways to help the Zulu women and children working with the non-profit Rural Women’s Movement of South Africa. Ruby’s World: My Journey with the Zulu
Unguarded by Ashley Robertson #booktour #giveaway #bookreview
A YA book about Angels & Demons plus vampires? Well there are no glittery vampires here, just a great story about the consequences of choices. Unguarded by Ashley Robertson
Monkey Balm #review #giveaway #TakingTimeforMommyHolidayGiftGuide is having a contest and giving away a 2 Monkey Balms to 3 Winners!!
Monthly Maintenance – Tips and Tricks #KotexMom @UGetsReal
Tips and tricks to help your tween deal with monthly maintenance – U by Kotex Tween #KotexMom
Cypher Kids Club #Review #Cbias #CypherKidsClub
I am really happy to have something fun for Lu to bring to doctors appointments or trips that she will enjoy over and over. Cypher Kids Learning Cards Review
Smart and Witty – Emily Owens M.D. {Premieres 10/16 at 9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT} #review #emily
I really was entertained watching this show. It has witty internal dialogues, awesome chemistry between the actors and it’s faced paced, which are all markers of a show I will like. Emily Owens M.D.