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Here are some Valentines Inspirations crafty and otherwise. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Foam Roses
By: Amanda Formaro
Difficulty: Average
Age: 8 and up.
Parental supervision is recommended
Who doesn’t like getting red roses for Valentine’s Day? Make these foam roses for your Mom and she will love and cherish them.
Be sure to visit all of our Valentine crafts for more great Valentine’s Day ideas.
What you’ll need:
- 1 ½ green chenille stems (per flower)
- Red craft foam
- Scissors
- White craft glue or hot glue gun
How to make it:
- Set aside the ½ chenille stem for a later step. Take the full chenille stem and bend it in half. Starting at the bent end, twist the chenille stem around itself all the way up. When you reach the end trim it to make it even if needed.
- Cut out 1” tear drop shapes from the red foam, you will need 7 of these.
- Cut out ¾” tear drop shapes from the red foam, you will need 3 of these.
- Lay a 1” tear drop on the table, point side down. Glue the open end of the twisted chenille stem to the red tear drop petal.
- Glue a second tear drop behind the first tear drop (point side down), most of the tear drop in back will be visible. Repeat on the other side. Repeat again on each side, gluing them in a curved fashion (similar to a half circle). When you are done there should be one petal in the middle and 3 on each side.
- Glue one of the smaller tear drop petals on top of the green chenille stem. Glue the other two smaller petals overlapping the first one, point side down.
- Once these are all dry, bend and curve the foam petals to join both rounded sides together to form the flower. Glue in place and hold until dry, hot glue comes in handy here.
- Use the ½ chenille stem to bend the leaves into shape and twist around the stem.
Lemony Love Potion
When Cupid invites guests over, this is the beverage he serves. For the first time ever, he has graciously agreed to share his magic recipe–which also happens to make an excellent dessert drink for Valentine’s Day dinner.
- Ingredients
- 12-ounce can pink lemonade concentrate
- 1 cup raspberry sherbet
- 12-ounce can of lemon/lime soda (we used 7-Up)
- Instructions
- In a pitcher, mix the lemonade concentrate with the recommended amount of water.
- In a separate pitcher, combine the sherbet with 1 cup of the lemonade mixture.
- Add the soda, stir, and serve. Makes 3 cups.