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My Bloggy Friend Christy @notinsanemom (if you don’t follow her in at least one way, you should. You’re missing out. Go ahead, go follow her-I’ll wait….) wrote a post today about how quickly Thanksgiving is becoming a forgotten holiday: I Have So Much To Be Thankful For!
My Take On The Poor Forgotten Holiday
My son said the other day “Kids in my generation have no imagination, they aren’t creative. They expect it all done for them.” I agree but I will take it one step further in saying, it seems to be all people. Everything has to be the newest, most expensive, the best.
I have no clue what happened! Thanksgiving is THE BEST HOLIDAY EVER!!!! It is my absolute favorite. You get all the great food with none of the pressure of buying gifts. Excellent. I guess Christmas wasn’t coming fast enough for them? Why do stores think we enjoy a barrage of Christmas when we just barely got through Halloween? What if I am still paying off those $9 bags of candy? Or the $50 Tinkerbell costume my daughter HAD TO HAVE???
So I am going to follow Christy in listing what I am Thankful For Top 10:
#10 (like Christy) My friends. I have the best “I can go 6 months with out seeing you and it feels like I just talked to you yesterday” kind of friends. I have bloggy friends, cyber friends, “real-life” friends-all of that. They are the best. I have worked REALLY HARD at weeding out the bad….so if you are in my “inner-circle” you rock. Period.
#9 My Health. Although it’s poor, I am still able to walk, talk and breathe normally. I may be in pain, but I am alive. It could be worse.
#8 My Work. First off, I have a job. (Multiple actually) One of my jobs I am my own boss. The other I work with kids, my favorite thing in the world. Although working with kids can be challenging, I absolutely love interacting with them three days a week, almost as much as I love running this blog.
#7 My husbands job. He has one. Period.
#6 I have a roof over my head. It may not be personally my roof, but I have a roof none-the-less. (Thanks Mom & Dad) Working on the “own” part.
#5 My Computer. Seriously some times it’s my best friend.
#4 Coffee. Need I say more?
#3 Pepsi. Bubbly sweetness that I wish I could quit, but really don’t want to….
#2 My large crazy family. Although there are times ,as with all families, that they drive me absolutely bat !@#$ crazy, I love them fiercely. And my fantastic, sis-from another-miss, cousin Missy does my hair pretty for me, so she gets a pass. Mwah! 🙂
#1 My family (the one I made) I have a husband, that with all his faults, loves me. We have been together for 17 years, which is no small feat being that I am only 34. We are going through a very difficult time right now, but with positive thoughts and prayers, I am confident that we will get through it like always. I also have 3 completely fantastic, well behaved (at least the older two are…not sure what happened with my 4 year old diva, but she’s still good for the most part) polite, extremely loving kids. I look at them on a daily basis and know that some where down the line…I did good. They are kids. They are not perfect, but if they didn’t have their small quirks and imperfections, they wouldn’t be them. And I seriously (especially after working with kids since I have been 13) wouldn’t trade them for the world. I’ve got good ones. (Pray for my 4 year old that she makes it to her 5th b-day in the end of Novemeber…MAN!!! has she been trying my resolve!) 😉