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What makes you go teary eyed with nostalgia?
I was super close with my grandparents. My Gram and Grampa Schweinberg were like my second set of parents. My mom is the oldest of 9 kids. My aunt and uncle who are twins are only 6 1/2 years older than me. Although I was an only child until I was 5 ( my brother passed away when I was 3, sister born when I was 5 1/2) I never quite felt like it. I would go to my grandparents house and just be entertained by people! My Gram always had a can of Jay’s potato chips and Zebra Stripes in the cabinet. I always had some one to talk to or play with and if no one was available I dressed up the dog. 😉 It was my home away from home and I will forever be grateful for it.
Top favorite memories from my grandparents house:
*Disgruntled by the fact we were not allowed to play cards with the “grownups” my uncle and I dressed up as various characters and put on mini plays to annoy the adults. (Angels, China Men and GI Joes to be exact.)
* When my grampa used to tell me that Trix cereal was for rabbits, not for kids and we would argue about it for a half an hour.
*The time that my uncle took my Cabbage Patch hostage and I had to pay a ransom. (He hung it from the light!)
*Friday nights when my grampa would watch me and make me dinner. He didn’t cook well but it meant more because he made it plus he sang How Much Is That Doggy In The Window when he cooked. 🙂
Since I was 24-25 when he said this to me, I think this counts as a childhood memory and I am honestly am crying as I type this……it’s the best thing anyone has ever said to me:
Grampa said” Jennifer… have really terrific kids. You are a great mother. If I had to pick kids to hang out with, they would be it. I felt the same about you too.”
First of all he is one of the only people who has ever been allowed to call me Jennifer.
Second of all he wasn’t some one who expressed emotion. He just assumed you knew how he felt.
He passed away when I was 26 from a long battle with cancer and there has been a hole in my life ever since. He was always my champion and loved me unconditionally no matter what. I miss him greatly but I am forever grateful that he was in my life. I still feel his presence and know he is guiding me. I can still hear the jingling of his keys and him singing “Show me the way to go home. I’m tired and I wanna go to bed….”
Check out what Amanda and Jessi’s favorite memories………………..