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I’m sick.
I have made it through massive allergy attacks, stomach viruses, colds etc…all that my kids have caught (except for the allergies,which unfortunately I think I gave to them) and have tried to inflict on me and I didn’t catch them.
I have made it ALL the way to JANUARY, which is unheard of with my pathetic, weak immune system I have, with only a sinus infection in October from my allergies. (And headaches, always have headaches, but different post, different rant)
Now I am sick. Grr. Gross, head cold, in your chest kind of sick.
Don’t these germs know I HAVE TOO MUCH TO DO????
Worst part- 2 out of 3 of my kids are sick too. And my mom. And my dad. So no wallowing in my bed under the covers watching bad tv. I will be tending to others.
So pardon my absence for a few days in cyberland.
I’m off to pout in my cup of tea.