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Well, really what can you say about this Road So Far? We’ve fallen in and out of love with so many characters… You’re my boy Cas! Amazing characters have fallen, most I still refuse to believe are really gone. I’m talking about you Bobby, Charlie, Kevin and especially Gabriel/Loki. I wont lie I still to this day, even though no one ever mentions him (except that one time in the musical episode which side note was like my top 2 favorite musical episode of any series second of course to the amazing Once More With Feeling of Buffy the Vampire Slayer) I hope that both Adam and Michael will somehow find their way out of the cage of hell and come up and reek some sort of havoc on earth. I mean, Lucifer is running amuck in all sorts of meat suits why can’t Michael and Adam miraculously find their way out. If Mary Winchester can walk the earth again…
So yea, speaking of. Poor Mary. Could you even imagine what it would be like to come back after burning on the ceiling what did Dean say 34 years later? First off, I got to hand it to the Supernatural creators, producers, writers and all. Maybe it’s because I will always think of this channel being the home of my beloved Buffy, maybe it’s because it feels like the CW universe if full of either young super heroes or strong young female leads but no… Dean just called out his own age. 37… 37 and the show has been on 12 seasons… Dean and Sam were just babies when we meet them!!! But I totally digress here. Back to Mary. Poor lady not only gets brought back from the dead but everything is different. Even if you look at the world when this show started and where it is today. Cell phones are way more complex, the boys can easily hack into anything they damn well please, even their world as we see is obsessed with technology and has lost that personal interaction with each other that Mary had known. But one thing hasn’t changed, not even for her… they are once again on a mission to save Sam.
Which brings us to Sam and the Brittish chapter of Men of Letters, or as it seems Lady of Letters. Really who was the last Lady Letter we saw. Abadon? And really how well did that go for the boys, or really the world for that matter. I won’t be fooled by your fancy sweet British accent, something fishy is going on with these ladies and it isn’t just the torturing Sam thing. It’s everything that leads up to it. So Lady Letter, I don’t remember your name, if you really just want to ask who you think is the only surviving Winchester all these deep dark and personal questions about all the hunters and baddies of America do you really think the way to go is to shoot him. Sure it was just in the leg but does that really make it better and then to follow it up you start torturing the poor boy. So this Lady Letter tries to tell us that the British chapter is so awesome no one dies over there. They have all sorts of crazy traps to take care of anything demonic and such, they essentially use their hunters like they are just mindless puppets which I can only take as meaning the Letters think they are literally the Shit.
The British chapter, if we go based of Lady Letter, seem like they might be corrupted by power. Maybe… they aren’t even the good guys. Here Lady Letter is accusing Sam’s friends and colleagues of being the corrupted ones but couldn’t that be the kettle calling the pot black. Maybe the Brit’s have some jealousy that so much lays on the Winchester’s shoulders. They do have a particularly personal relationship with Chuck/God, they have their own personal Angel, more than one Angel has come to their defense, they have saved the world at least what… 10 times in the last 12 years? What has the British chapter done? No one even knew they existed, sure they are a secret society but shouldn’t the bunker have some sort of information on other chapters? I think so… unless those other chapters aren’t real Men of Letters chapters and perhaps are working with some sort of evil force… Or like one of those crazy nutty cult groups that want to eradicate anyone who doesn’t see things there way. All I’m saying is… I don’t trust them.
Before we can get to Dean’s attempted and kind of failed Sam rescue I have to talk for a sec about Lucifer. Mark Pellegrino did such an AMAZING JOB really creating the essence of Lucifer that I can literally hear Mark’s voice in every meat suit Lucifer possesses. The second best thing to actually seeing Mark Pellegrino was Cas being possessed by Lucifer. A big round of applause to Misha Collins for that amazing job at being Cas trapped inside his own body being possessed and controlled by Lucifer. You, dear sir, did a phenomenal job! These first 2 episodes didn’t really tell me a whole lot of what the end game this season for Lucifer is but I do know one thing. No one puts Crowley in the corner. Sure he was humanized by Sam’s blood and his failed bromance with Dean and then demoralized by Lucifer but there is one thing Crowley wants, ok maybe 2 I don’t think he has given up on Dean yet… he wants to rule hell. For some reason Hell is really the place to rule. Even with God absent and beside Metatron, which it didn’t really feel like the Angels put up much of a fight when he was like worship me, but no one else is trying to rule Heaven but everyone is fighting for the throne of Hell. Even an absent God is a scary one I guess, no one wants to step up against him
Finally, at the end of the second episode Cas leads Dean and Mary to Sam. Good to see that even after sharing a body with Lucifer Cas hasn’t lost the dry sense of humor I love so much about him. So Dean ends up being caught, I don’t know if it’s on purpose but it does seem like the boys go in all guns blazing without thinking the end result quit a lot so it seems pretty likely Dean didn’t really think this plan all the way through. And surprise Lady Letter mama Winchester is alive. End result of a pretty decent fight scene is some associate of Lady Letters comes and informs them this fight is over, he’s taking her home and all they really wanted was to talk Lady here was never supposed to harm the Winchesters. But no, Dean wants justice. The guy tells them that he knows they have an Angel on their side and they aren’t without some heavy hitters but neither is the British Men of Letters. We saw Lady Letter use some magical mojo on Sam, on Mary and she put a ward up around the house and this guy had no problem taking that ward down. And behind your back they are saying you and the American hunters “are no better than the monsters they try to control. They need to be eliminated.” Better watch out Winchester’s, don’t fall for their British charm cause in the end it’s probably going to be you against them and Mary might be the casualty.
Well, that’s a wrap for the first 2 episodes of the best show that I hope will never end. Supernatural, I don’t care how old you are you always manage to keep everything fresh for me! “This is my family, we hunt. That’s what we do.”