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Well, I’m not sure if these are the new kind of best friends I would want. They speak in strange riddles and the monotone black outfits and horrible bang cut alone would be enough to scare me off but then add Game of Thrones walker in the mix, I just don’t know if I could walk out of that pit of garbage hell with that same smile on my face. I mean come on Rick they just threw you down there because they “need to know you’re real with this. That you’re worth it.” Well, bangs… if you’re not crazy pants and go against him I think you will be pleasantly happy with your choice to team up.
Saviors vs the Kingdom
I guess the bright side is that Ezekiel seems to be dealing with the more reasonable member of the Saviors. Which, what is that really saying? Not so bright side that douche of a savior keeps trying to provoke and get vest guy killed (maybe one day I’ll figure out his name) and the nice guy Morgan is just happened to find a way to get himself caught up in the middle of it all.
But it’s like this interaction shows what a strong and smart leader King Ezekiel is. Not only can he get his men to listen but he somehow manages to not let the saviors push him around. I can’t wait to see what happens with his character as the season unfolds.
How about that Game of Thrones walker…
You know, there just aren’t that many walkers in this universe but the few that we do see now are like super awesome.
But how did the junkyard hooligans manage to dress ole thorn head? And how did they get him in the pillow hole? There almost seems like this really cool walker kind of brings more questions about who the garbage gang really is. Are they really the kind of group that Rick should be trusting and bringing in on his plan? Are they just going to feed Rick’s group to the wolves so they can be left alone with all their garbage glory? And… for living surrounded by garbage they do seem oddly clean, I wasn’t sure about Father Gabriel when we first meet him and I feel much more uneasy about these people.
What happened with Rick’s no-nonsense, no strikes you’re out attitude. Is the threat of Negan really so powerful that he’s willing to throw away all the things he’s learned since waking up from his coma? What would Daryl think about this Rick?
Vest guy vs Daryl
Come on guy, learn to play to your audience!! So you bring Daryl out to this creepy area and tell him you have to kill some people so that the saviors retaliate and follow your bread crumbs to some unsuspecting victim which then, in turn, will make Ezekiel retaliate. It’s clear you’re not really a bad guy but I mean this isn’t really a nice guy move.
So, I know you’re all about the good of the kingdom and it’s clear you would totally be willing to just give up your own life if it meant saving your people and Ezekiel but is it really fair to send a group of these monsters to this one woman all alone in a cabin. Carol or no Carol, vest guy I have to call party foul and dick move there. And it doesn’t matter how many circles you try to dance around Daryl, you aren’t getting him to get on board with this crazy plan.
If I were you, Daryl, I would keep a closer eye on Carol.
The sweet reunion of Daryl and Carol
Which was a sweeter moment? Daryl and Rick or Daryl and Carol’s reunion. That’s a tough call. And was it really in Carol’s best interest to keep the dirty truth of the saviors to yourself, Daryl. Wouldn’t telling her the awful way they made you listen to Easy Street over and over be enough to get the woman we once know who took out all those Termites?
Isn’t that the kind of person we need to see the takedown of the saviors… I think so. The silver lining, she gave Ezekiel the thumbs up on trusting Daryl so maybe the only good thing of this new-old Carol showing up will be the Kingdom joining up with Rick in his fight.
If anyone can bring Morgan into the light…….
Why not Daryl? At what point does Morgan look at the world and realize that his passive way of looking at the people who are left in it just can’t work. Sure, everyone deserves a chance but I think it should be clear to him by now that there is no talking to Negan. Even if he got a chance to I’m not sure that Negan would appreciate his words. Daryl puts it best Morgan “Whatever it is you’re holding on to… It’s gone, man. Wake up.”
But really I just don’t even know what to think about Morgan at this point anymore.
You have Morgan trying to make peace with some wicked killers. You have Father Gabriel being all trustworthy and actually getting people to join their crusade against the Saviors (which might not be such a good thing Gabriel. Much like the horses, moral compasses don’t exactly have a good track record with this show.) You have Rick kind of going all crazy Rick again. Tara keeping her wilderness ladies a secret (when are they going to pop back up again). Crazy junkyard hooligans with bad bangs. But if everyone is off doing recruiting who is left back at Alexandria to guard Judith and Carl.
And “That’s a Wrap” for this episode of Walking Dead. I know I’m very nervous to see the return of Negan and Eugene, I’m just hoping they find him useful enough not to hurt him. And thanks to Father Gabriel for showing Rick “enemies can become friends” but I’m not sure the hooligans are the best choice in new best friends.